Session Chair: Dr Viral Panchal - US Army DEVCOM AC
8:15 AM - 8:45 AM
Modern processes for the low-cost, scalable production of high energy thermoplastic elastomers Presenter: Dr Dorin Preda - Physical Sciences Inc Authors: Dr Caitlin Bien - Physical Sciences Inc, Dr Michael Dworzak - Physical Sciences Inc, Dr Eric Hernandez - Physical Sciences Inc, Dr Viral Panchal - US Army DEVCOM AC, Dr Eugene Rozumov - US Army DEVCOM, Mr Nathan Shipley - Physical Sciences Inc, Mr Zachary Whitermore - Physical Sciences Inc
8:45 AM - 9:15 AM
Additive Manufacturing of Igniter Grains Presenter: Dr Andrew Ihnen - NAWCWD
9:15 AM - 9:45 AM
High Energy Density Resin Systems for Additive Manufacturing of Explosive and Propellant Formulations Presenter: Mr Zachary Whitermore - Physical Sciences Inc Authors: Dr Caitlin Bien - Physical Sciences Inc, Mr Thomas O'Brien - Physical Sciences Inc, Dr Karl Oyler - US Army DEVCOM AC, Mr Thomas Pleva - New Mexico Tech, Dr Dorin Preda - Physical Sciences Inc, Ms Samantha Stofflet - Physical Sciences Inc, Mr John Vets - Physical Sciences Inc