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Thursday, January 25, 2024
10:20 AM to 12:00 PM
Concurrent Sessions
Thursday, January 25, 2024
  Hypersonic Structural Materials & Component Evaluations 3
Session Chairs: Mr Larry Hudson - NASA Armstrong Flight Research Ctr and Mr Craig Stephens - NASA and Mr Anthony Calomino - NASA
10:20 AM - 10:40 AM
Wind Tunnel Results of Ultrasonically Absorptive Aeroshell Materials for Hypersonic Boundary Layer Transition Delay
Presenter: Mr John Saffian - Materials Research Design Inc

10:40 AM - 11:00 AM
High Velocity Oxy-fuel Torches A Low Cost Hypersonic Materials Screening Tool
Presenter: Dr Ken Kane - John Hopkins University

11:00 AM - 11:20 AM
Oxyacetylene Torch Testing of Coated High-temperature Metallic Alloys and C/SiC Composites
Presenter: Dr Charis Lin - UES Inc

Authors: Dr Todd Butler - USAF AFRL, Mr Joshua Craggette - UES a BlueHalo Co, Dr Kaitlin Detwiler - USAF AFRL, Dr Matthew Dickerson - USAF AFRL, Dr Nathan Levkulich - USAF AFRL, Dr Michelle Harr - Materials Resources LLC
11:20 AM - 11:40 AM
Torch Testing of UHTC Graded C/SiC and C/Phenolic CMCs
Presenter: Dr Thomas Key - UES Inc

Authors: Dr Zlatomir Apostolov - USAF AFRL, Dr Emmanuel Boakye - UES Inc, Dr Michael Cinnibulk - USAF AFRL Materials & Mfg Directorate, Dr Hyunjun Kim - BlueHalo, Dr Lisa Rueschhoff - USAF AFRL, Mr Connor Wyckoff - UES Inc
11:40 AM - 12:00 PM
High-Enthalpy Plasma Torch Testing of C-C/SiC Composites
Presenter: Mr Mitchell Trotsky - University of Tennessee Knoxville

Authors: Dr Damiano Baccarella - University of Tennessee Knoxville, Dr Corson Cramer - Oak Ridge National Lab, Dr David Mitchell - Oak Ridge National Lab