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Thursday, February 22, 2024
1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
Concurrent Sessions
Thursday, February 22, 2024
  Additive Manufacturing: Product Development 4
Session Chairs: Mr Giuseppe Fiore - CNES and Dr Bryan McEnerney - NASA Engineering & Safety Ctr
1:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Variable layer thicknesses in Laser PowderBed Fusion for cost reduction of a gas turbine component

Presenter: Dr Ramesh Subramanian -
Siemens Energy Inc

1:30 PM - 2:00 PM
Additive Manufacturing Research and Development of Launch Vehicle Structures at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)

Presenter: Mr Kosuke Kawakami -
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

Authors: Mr Toru Kamita - Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Mr Toshiya Saito - Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Mr Keita Terashima - Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
ATILIUS Additive Technologies for Innovative Lowthrust Iodine space Unit from Scrap

Presenter: Dr Marco Grasso -
Politecnico di Milano

Authors: Mr Paolo De Carlo - T4i Technology for Innovation, Mr Federico Gallizio - Optimad, Mr Tommaso Tirelli - AIDRO